The only Blind in Black Jack
Located next to the Grassy Island Refuge.
You will shoot Ducks & Geese crossing
between Grassy Island Refuge,
Black Bayou Refuge, and the Mississippi River.
This is the # 1 crossing of Waterfowl
on Reelfoot Lake.
Four Refuges located at Reelfoot Lake.
36,000 acre Lake and half of the Lake
is 4 feet or
less in depth with a third of the lake in Refuge.
Ideal Puddle Duck Habitat.

See Bald Eagles Daily in Cypress Trees, so be sure to bring your
camera & camcorder for breath-taking pictures.
Because this blind is so unique, in
being the most consistent duck blind
on Reelfoot Lake & the # 1 blind for killing waterfowl, we
have numerous
repeat customers. Every year reservations in this
blind are hard to get.
We are not bragging.....just stating the facts.
If you plan on booking a hunt you need
to let us know soon because
a lot of the days in this blind are already booked. We
have some that
book a year ahead just to insure a hunt.
This blind will kill just as many ducks
early in the season as later.
We see no difference in the quality of hunt early or late in
the season.
We have hunted this location since 1967.
